1940s Timeline



In The News

Secretary of State, George Marshall proposed plan to rebuild Europe

Un-American Activities Committee began hearings on Hollywood communists

Hindus & Muslims clash in Punjab

Holocaust Ship Exodus departs for Palestine

Pakistan gains independance from Britain

India gains independance from Britain

Princess Elizabeth Marries the Duke of Edinburgh

British withdraw troops from Palestine

British Coal Mines Nationalised

Top Recordings

Managua, Nicaragua (Freddy Martin)

Ballerina (Vaughn Monroe)

Mam'selle (Frank Sinatra)

Peg o' My Heart (The Harmonicats)

Across the Alley From the Alamo (Mills Brothers)

Temptation (Red Ingle)

Open the Door Richard (Count Basie)

Heartaches (Ted Weems)

Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (Tex Williams)

Near You (Francis Craig)

That's My Desire (Frankie Laine)

How Are Things in Glocca Morra (Buddy Clark)

Interesting Facts...

The term "cold war"

A United Airlines pilot reported seeing large flying discs over Idaho

Supersonic airplane flight

Diary of Anne Frank

Tubeless tires

The UN flag

Earl Silas Tupper Patents Tupperare

Thor Heyerdahl sails with Kon Tiki

Kalashnikov designs the AK-47 Assault Rifle

Cambridge Universiity allows women students

Meteor crahes into Siberia

At The Cinema

Gentleman's Agreement


A Double Life

Miracle on 34th Street

Life With Father

The Egg and I

Body and Soul

Kiss of Death

The Farmer's Daughter

The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer

Best Actress:
Loretta Young (The Farmer's Daughter)

Best Actor:
Ronald Colman (A Double Life)